Two suggestions were made to me on new years day as I completed my 4th dump of the year (11:30am) 1) I count how many poos I do in a year. 2) I blog about my bowel movements I intend to do both. This is my blog and on the fridge is my tally chart. Enjoy.
Sunday, 2 August 2015
Guest Blogger.
Saturday, 11 July 2015
New beginnings
The first week of my new job saw me go down to the main office which meant staying overnight for 3 nights in a hotel. Unsure what the days would hold in store for me I made sure, on my first two days, to go before I left the hotel room. In a world of uncertainty I wanted one assurance, that I could go in peace. The toilets in a premier inn act as a log flume and as a result of this, combined with first week nerves, meant that the Eastern European cleaners had a real job on their hands to remove the pebble dashing effect I had left behind. They sure earned their £1.50 per hour that day.
Day three saw me shadowing a member of my team at a client. It was an early start and I awoke long before my bowels did. I knew I was going to have to go at the clients site. My main issue is that in my first week I don't want to be "the guy who goes for a shit", that is an aspect of my personality that needs to be slowly introduced to people. I had no reason to leave the room we were in other than to go to the toilet, if I was a long time he'd know where I was. Never the less I upped and left the room at around 11, dashed to the toilet, got in and got out as quickly as possible, no messing around on my phone, no chilling. Upon returning to the room I was quick to cover my tracks "god this place is like a little rabbit warren, I walked right past the toilets". This would reasonably explain the extra time and to my colleague there would be no suspicion. I was extremely proud of myself.
Week 2 rolled round. I had returned home but I was ready for my second first week. My new role sees me based almost entirely on site with a client rather than at the head office so this felt more like my first week than my actual first week. This is where I would need to find a new throne. I had a tour of the building and decided to check out the toilets, I didnt need to go but a quick inspection wouldn't hurt. The ground floor mens toilet has two very nice cubicles, however, there is a lot more men working in this building compared to my old job and therefore there is a lot more traffic. I have chosen my favourite cubicle but I cant switch off in there, there's two much traffic and I don't feel like I can disconnect from the workplace.
The major issue with too much traffic is that inevitably someone else will need to go. To me, it will remain one of life's great mysteries that whenever I've been in a cubicle next to someone else, you can guarantee that they will have a case of the squits. Today I was the victim of one of these incidents. I was sat, slowly unloading whilst checking facebook, nice and relaxed. Then a horrible squelching sound comes echoing through the cubicle walls, I turned my head in disgust at the wall. The look on my face would be the same look you'd get for doing a loud fart in a library, or laughing at a funeral. What's worse is that these people aren't even self-concious of the sounds they are making as it is quite often followed by "OOOOOH GOD YEAH" before grunting and squelching some more.
I frequent my new toilet throughout the day for number 1 purposes. When I go in, my preferred cubicle is often in use by someone, I have to stand at the urinal whilst someone else commits and abhorrent act upon my throne. My old workplace toilet...I knew she spent time with other men but she never rubbed my face in it, I could pretend it didnt happen, it was all mine. I cant avoid it with my new one she just stands there and takes it like the slut it is.
I'm still searching for a special place, the right place. The ground floor one doesn't seem to be working out for me, a wider search of the building may be in order. If the worst comes to the worse my old work is only 5 mins down the road, would they miss me for 20mins? I could be reunited with my old love.
Friday, 12 June 2015
214) Farewell to and old friend
To demonstrate why I love this toilet so much I have attached a couple of photos.
As you can see the cubicle is it's own room within a room, seemingly cut off from the rest of the world. It's a mens only cubilce and given that there is usually a maximum of 4-5 men in the building, it was a place I could go undisturbed for a good 15mins. When I sat in here nothing else mattered, if my work load was piling up and things were getting stressed I could take a break, unload and kick back for 5. This cubicle was like a best friend. In the coming weeks I will have to find a new cubicle, I will some how have to communicate to my new colleagues that this cubicle is mine at around 10:30 in the morning, but I will have to communicate this without damaging my "professional" image.
I have done 214 poos this year and a good number of them have been in this cubicle, you will be missed my friend. Thanks for putting up with all my shit.
Monday, 1 June 2015
The train journey down left me feeling a little travel sick, my stomach was left rattled and I was sure I would need to go once I arrived in London, alas, when we got to the hotel I was clogged up, something which regularly happens when I travel.
Saturday night came round and there had still been no movement since Friday morning. We had dinner from an Indian food festival followed by a couple of drinks, this would either make me need to go or it would pile more food into the already quite interesting cocktail of foods sitting in my stomach. I awoke Sunday morning. Still no urge. It had been 48 hours since I last went, I wondered if I would ever poo again. We upped and left the hotel to do the usual London sights, Picadilly circus, Leicester Square followed by Covent Garden.
52 hours and still nothing had appeared. If my bowel movements were a missing child the whole neighborhood would be out searching for it. We sat down at Itsu for a raw fish sushi lunch, 'this should make things interesting', I thought. This started something, the urge hit me in M&M world two hours later, I suddenly became irritable and frustrated and was on the look out for a toilet.
54 hours after my last movement I sat down and relaxed. I gave birth to a monster. When a ship sets sail on it's maiden voyage, superstition dictates that a bottle of champagne is smashed against side of the ship. I felt this would have been a fitting tribute to what I had created but to my dismay I didn't have a bottle of champagne to hand. I sat back, glowing, in a post orgasmic state that is normally attributed to 1minute 36 seconds on pornhub. I felt like a new man, I had a new lease of life.
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
152) Aprils Round Up
April was a big month with 41 poos over the 30 day period which is an average of 1.36PPD - the highest of every month. The consistency of March was a massive contrast to the erratic month of April. Where March saw an 8 & a 7 day streak of singles, Aprils best was 3 single poo days in a row. Additionally, on two occassions in April I hit a total of 3 poos in a day. I recall feeling unwell between the 20th and the 22nd and this was reflected in my bowel movements and I notched up 2-3-2 over the 3 days.
This month contained a lot of birthdays (mine included), the first month living in my own house (and thus being able to walk to the pub) and an interview process so it is not surprising that I have been inconsistent and frequent. Here's hoping normal service is resumed in May.
Did you know?
Despite having a job interview and a history of a nervous stomach I only defecated once on April 30th.
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
155) Start as you mean to go on.
Tuesday morning back at the office and I was cracking on with a mundane spreadsheet that had been waiting for me following the bank holiday weekend. I noticed a missed call and a voice mail, it was the recruitment team wanting to discuss my interview. Unable to focus on my work I went to ring them back, I couldn't find anywhere discrete to make the call - I was very keen not to let anyone at work know I'd applied for a job until I'd got it. After a quick wander round the building to try and find somewhere quiet, I abandoned the idea of calling them back and decided to go for a belated morning dump. After dropping the kids off at the pool, I was well into my post-movement browsing when I suddenly realised this was the perfect place. It was quiet, there was good signal and if it was good news I could share it with my one true love, my porcelain princess.
"......and so on that basis we'd like to offer you the job", relief came over me and I suddenly zoned back into the room to realise I was talking to my future employer with an unwiped arse and my pants wrapped round my ankles. They were non the wiser. As the phone call drew to a close I suddenly realised that I would have to say goodbye to a lot of friends but worst of all I would have to say goodbye to the toilet. This toilet is the best toilet I have ever known, it's not a cubicle, it is it's own room nestled away in the building. The low ratio of men to women mean that it is barely used other than by me. The toilet at my new place of work will have a lot to live up to. The salary of my new job will be much higher but it will be hollow and meaningless if the toilet is not up to scratch. Here's hoping.
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
111) March Month End
March was a very consistent month, my most consistent this year. Averaging 1.12 PPD (poos per day) I hit one a day on a consistent basis for most of the month. As with the previous two months I started the month off with a multipoo day by registering a double on the scoreboard. Out of the next 16 days, 15 were single poo days. In total only 6 out the 31 days were anything other than single poo days and only a single 0 was recorded. As stated March was a month of incredible consistency getting tantalisingly close to the holy grail which is the average of 1PPD. However despite regularly going once a day I noticed that the timings have lost their predictability, I rarely go at 10:30 any more, sometimes I am forced to go before work which I find deeply upsetting, although I feel this gives me justification to turn up 10mins late to work.
An update on the app, I think I will be getting a developer account soon so the app will be available to all android users (get bent apple). Additionally I have started work on a new app which will help you to calculate how much you earn by pooing at work.
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
111) Trauma
After lunch, the other (lesser) half and I went shopping for household essentials. After an hour or so of filling the shopping basket with non-essentials and useless tat we popped into the morrissons next door. I felt the usual urge and I thought I'd much prefer a dump than a trip round the supermarket so I ducked away and into the cubicles. If I had my time again, this is one of the decisions I would change. The toilet was a bit on the grotty side but overall an ok place to lay my faeces. I settled down with my phone and tried to get a new high score on crossy road whilst leisurely laying a cable.
Some time later I was done and I reached across to take a ticket only to find that there was only a single sheet of toilet paper left. My face dropped and I started to panic as I tried to think of elaborate ways to wipe my arse using the contents of the cubicle, it's time like this I wish I was in the A-team. In the end I made very economical use of the one remaining sheet of toilet paper using the wipe-fold-wipe-fold method with the sheet eventually being folded into eighths. I feel someone must be looking down on me because thankfully this was enough completely clean the area. The stress, however, was not over there.
As I finished wiping, I glanced around the cubicle and I saw a small poo sitting in the corner by the wall, obviously left there by the previous tenant. I was initially grossed out but the smell was not overpowering and i'm not squeamish so overall it didn't bother me because it was just sat there out of the way minding it's own business. What was bothering me however, was the fact that the toilet was getting quite busy and I knew the second I stepped out the cubicle, someone would want to go in and they might think it was me. I summoned some courage, flushed and left.
Leaving the cubicle I saw someone notice me and head straight for the cubicle, I walked in a way that would block his route just to buy me an extra second "sorry" I said as he had to walk round me. I dashed to the sink and looked back nervously, he was in the cubicle but standing up with his back to the small package left in the corner. Result! he hadn't seen the rouge turd lying there, as I went to turn my head back to the sink I caught his eye, he looked at me with a disgusted look on his face "did something die in here" he remarked. Normally I take pride in such a comment but I couldn't take the credit for this one. If I was an honest man I would have replied "Oh that wasn't me, that's because there's a shit on the floor behind you" instead I nervously laughed and bolted out of the toilets.
I returned to my female unit who was browsing away and pathetically whimpered that I wanted to leave and wanted to leave now. I explained that I had a distressing time but we were not allowed to leave. After a while I was sufficiently cheered up by doing multiple power slides with the trolley. Many of you might think that I have learnt a lesson about pooing in a public toilet but I have not, I will continue to lay cables whenever and wherever the need strikes.
Saturday, 21 March 2015
100) Century
I awoke after a long sleep and carried out my usual routine of staying in bed for most of Saturday morning watching TV. My show of choice is currently 'house' a programme I've been meaning to watch for some time. I sat in bed with a cup of tea and some toast and mid-morning the urge struck. I debated putting on my finest suit to walk to the toilet but decided on some tatty joggers.
The movement itself was extremely un-noteworthy just a bog-standard Saturday morning poo, no urgency, no pain, no great size, not liquid and even the wipeage required was very average. This disappointed me greatly. How could a landmark dump disappoint me so much. Instead I decided to make a memorial video to mark the occasion.
Thursday, 19 March 2015
98) The benefits of being disabled.
A much needed day of annual leave caused disruption to the germanic efficiency of my bowel movements. A late morning combined with minimal caffeine meant that I missed my usual 10:30 slot. However, due to not being at work, this did not cause much heartache.
An afternoon of shopping with the other half was on the cards, which was made worse by the fact that the Hawkins bazar had closed down leaving me with nothing in the town. Around 3pm we sat down in Costa for a midshop break and I had a cup of tea which kickstarted the final stages of my digestive system. Approximately 20 mins later I had a delightful urge to take a relaxing dump in house of fraser. I jumped at the opportunity to get away from the onslaught of "this is nice" "does this suit me?" "Ooo what about this one?" and I scurried off to find some toilets.
I found the rest rooms and had a choice between the gents and the disabled toilet. Naturally I choose the disabled toilet for a number of reasons, not least the fact that i felt that the mother-load I was about to drop would leave me at the very least walking with a limp but could also potentially leave me requiring a wheelchair.
My second reason for choosing the disabled toilets is that they have a handrail next to the toilet. Now the primary purpose of these handrails is to aid mobility and help those with difficulty to get off the toilet. The secondary purpose (and the one i find most useful) is that it helps you push a particularly difficult movement out. Much like a woman holding their husbands hand during labour, you can grasp the rail and push with all your might.
The final reason behind choosing the disabled loo is that you get an entire room to yourself and can truly relax without having to listen to the sound of someone doing an extremely squelchy dump less than 3ft away from you.
I emerged from the toilet about 10 minutes later having made a century break on pro snooker 2015 and also making a different type of break on my ring piece . The guy behind the till who saw me going in to the toilets gave me a look that suggested he knew what I'd been doing (maybe I'm being paranoid) but I was not ashamed. I walked with a stride of pride back down to the women's wear. I felt light like I was walking on air.
And the answer to how long does it take a woman to try on a single dress? Well I wrote 90% of the above post on my phone outside a changing room.
Monday, 2 March 2015
76) February round-up
Drinking on the night of January 31st meant that the 1st of the month was a double day. Additionally on the Wednesday 4th I was in charge of a big audit which would enable us to get some fancy certification. Given the sheer amount of work which still needed to be done, I admit that the first 3 days of the week I had a nervous bowel. This led to a further 3 days of double dumping and in total I scored 2, four times in a row. Things settled down following the inspection and I began to find my rhythm again, although I was a lot more inconsistent than I was in January; ideally I would like to run with the same efficiency as the German train system.
My most consistent spell came between the 13th and the 22nd where I had one a day on all days barring the 18th where I scored a double. Since the 23rd I have alternated between ones and twos
During the month of February there was two significant milestones. The first milestone was poop number 50 which occurred on foreign soil following a weekend of drinking and excessively deep fried food in glasgow. The second occurred on the 23rd when I was able to do number 69 of the year, it is with deep regret that I was not able to constipate myself for the remainder of the year.
The average for February was 1.36 PPD (poos per day) up 1.23PPD from January. For those interested in running a sweepstake my projected total is 470.1695 for the year. I assume the 0.1695 will be when I inevitably follow through one day.
Did you know?
Despite having three less days in the month February had the same number of poos in it as January with both months scoring 38.
Did you know? (2)
Nobody has yet to donate money to my google developers account so that I can publish my app.
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
66) Newtons Third Law
Thursday, 12 February 2015
50) Half Century
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Give it a follow to receive live dump news.
Monday, 2 February 2015
January Month End
My total for the month was 38, eliminating new years day as an anomaly that leaves my average at 1.1 poos per day. February has started with back to back 2s and with a drinking weekend in Glasgow on the cards (and the dreaded Scottish cuisine) it could be a high month. Expect similar figures to January despite having 3 less days in the month.
Friday, 30 January 2015
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
33) Address to the haggis
Saturday, 24 January 2015
31) The missing movement
I started work and was powering through my to do list, a simple two minute job on the bottom floor at 9:30 was followed by me getting collared to do various different jobs and before I knew it, it was half 11 before I returned to my desk. Still yet to have a cup of tea I powered on with my work. Lunch time came and went and at 2pm it struck me "I haven't been today" and what's worse is that I didn't need too. Straight to the kitchen for a cup of tea, it didn't work so I had two more. Nothing, I still didn't need to go and I was a little devastated that I'd missed my ritual.
Later that evening a friend suggested going for a takeaway, I was hungry so was keen to go but in the back of my mind the idea of a dodgy kebab sitting on top of an unevacuated bowel filled me with excitement. I was surely going to have an epic session come Saturday morning. I returned home about 11pm and felt a slight movement, I wasn't ready to go but it certainly felt like the factory was powering up again. This was baking nicely for the following morning.
I awoke on Saturday morning and had a leisurely breakfast, a nice strong cup of tea and I knew that in 20 minutes everything would be ready. Like clockwork I was ready to go, I let it bake for 5 more minutes before moving to the bathroom. It felt like it was going to be large so it's only natural that I recorded my pre-fight weight.
I sat down to begin to what was going to be a difficult birth. The baby must have turned at the last minute because it felt like it was coming out sideways. It was a tricky one but I soldiered on. About half way through, for the first time in my life, I became extremely jealous of anyone who had been sodomised by a black gentleman. Upon finishing I was disappointed with the result, it was a one log dump of poor length however it had a lot of girth and was extremely dense judging by the splashback when it entered the water. I did my obligatory post-faecal weighing and was underwhelmed with the results, a measly 500g (1.1 lb). The effort put in should have yielded a much larger return.
The disappointment was quickly replaced with a sense of relief that the zero placed on my chart was a one off and that normal service was resumed.
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Tales from the rim logo
It's now a brand so expect some big 6-figure merchandising deals to be announced soon.